Enriched Health Care
The participant is responsible for providing a minimum of 48 hours’ notice for cancellation to Enriched Health Care.
Where participants fail to present for therapy services, Enriched Health Care will charge a cancellation fee, equivalent to 100% of the appointment fee.
For NDIS participants:
a) a maximum of 2 hours of service can be charged as a cancellations within the period of any Service Agreement.
b) Where a participant has failed to provide more than 48 hours’ notice on more than two occasions, Enriched Health Care will charge a cancellation fee, equivalent to 100% of the appointment fee, directly to the participant.
For NSW WorkCover, Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Medicare, private health, private participants:
a) Where a participant has failed to provide 48 hours’ notice, they will be charged a cancellation fee, equivalent to 100% of the appointment fee.
For all other participant types where Enriched Health Care is legally able to charge a cancellation fee to a third party, Enriched Health Care will charge the cancellation fee to that third party.
For all other participant types where