Do you need to be certain about a worker’s physical capabilities to determine whether he or she can match or exceed the job demands you are employing them for?
Do you have a worker who is currently unable to fulfill their duties due to injury?
Injuries cause Worker’s Compensation premiums to rise. A WorkHab Functional Capacity Evaluation can help you to understand your worker’s capabilities and limitations. This allows you to make informed decisions in the best interests of your workers and your workplace.
The WorkHab FCE (Functional Capacity Evaluation) System is an internationally recognised evaluation tool that enables a licensed evaluator to objectively measure, determine and report on the functional abilities of an individual in both the home and work environment. WorkHab’s Functional Capacity Evaluation Systems are predominately used to determine an individual’s safe and objective physical capabilities, establish and monitor rehabilitation goals, and to aid in return to work facilitation. The WorkHab FCE can also be adapted to provide a proficient and dynamic form of Pre-Employment testing which systematically fulfils legal requirements.
You can feel confident you can access the information you need from qualified, trained and licensed professionals, and know that this information is accurate, objective and in a comprehensive format with a range of applications.
Take back control, fulfill your duty of care requirements, and reduce your claim costs. Use the WorkHab FCE System to ensure you have the right person for the job to start with and that your injured workers are productive again sooner!
To find out more about how we can help you please contact us on our helpdesk or call 0265836900.